Saturday, December 22, 2012

Fabulous Flagg

Behold, the gorgeousness that is my new Edith Flagg floral print coat. (Who BTDubs- upon further research, is a TOTAL BAD ASS. A Holocaust survivor who lost her husband at Auschwitz, she later worked for the Dutch Resistance and saved multiple lives over the course of the War. After moving to America she became a well known fashion designer and dress manufacturer. Today, she has a net worth of approximately $100 MILLION. They say success is the sweetest suck it, Hitler.) Feast your eyes on the deeply saturated color palette and flawless condition of this 1960’s topper. I pulled this sucker out of the pile sale I went to last weekend with Britt, and upon discovery we both let out a little gasp and shared a moment of silence to honor it’s beauty. I’m in love. (FYI this sucker cost $5...true story.) Of course, I took my new coat out for a test run right away. It was clear that the soccer Mom’s and minivan driving Daddy’s of In-N-Out shared the same love and adoration for my new coat that I did- they all pointed, stared, and marveled. JK...I swear the suburbanites of my conservative, family-friendly neighborhood just can’t handle my chic-ness- I mean god forbid someone enjoys dressing up. In my world, a trip to In N Out is just as good an excuse as any, #AmIRight? Besides, I ain’t judging your NYDJ jeans, PTA t-shirt, Keds sneakers, and Harvey’s Seatbelt please at least grant me the same luxury, lady.

Vintage coat. Thrifted LBD. Via Spiga Boots borrowed from sissy. Jessica Simpson necklace. Random beanie.

Until next time,


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