Thursday, February 21, 2013

Style As An Act of Rebelion

My penchant for getting my protest on would probably explain my undying adoration of Chloe Sevingy’s latest collection for Opening Ceremony, which was inspired by the free thinking and restlessness of the youth of the 1960’s protesting era. During this counter culture movement, a divided worldview between the old and the young generation caused for maaaaajor friction regarding opinions on the ongoing war in Vietnam, sexuality, women’s rights, democracy, environmentalism, and differing interpretations of the “American Dream”. (UM…wait a minute! Does that sound familiar to anyone else? Are we talking 1964 or 2013?) All this talk of counter culture and protesting and dissent and civil disobedience was gettin' me hot and bothered! (And it gave birth to my Chloe X Opening Ceremony inspired ensemble!) Then I had a (small) epiphany. These elements are exactly why fashion seduces and thrills me the way it does. I delight in the fact that I can use my style as an act of rebellion. For me, this is what fashion is all about. Making a sartorial statement that pushes up against social norms or challenges the status quo. The name of the blog “Pardon My Fashion” actually came from the fact that what Chels and I wear often elicits a rather 'uncomfortable' reaction from people. But the reactions are exactly what I’m after. As long as I’m getting some kind of rise out of you, whether positive or negative, I figure I’m doing something right…right?!

Target hat. Thrifted angora sweater. Thrifted corduroy skirt. Forever 21 sandals and necklace.

Until next time,


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