Sunday, February 24, 2013

How to Dress Like an Adventurer

Yesterday, Britt and I planned to get together for dinner at a fine restaurant (read: Cheeseburgers at Ruby’s Diner) and snap some good ol’ fashioned bloggy pics while we were at it. A pretty run-of-the-mill Saturday night. (We’re secure in our lameness, thank you very much!) That is, until we decided that run-of-the-mill just wasn’t gonna cut it today…we were feeling a bit dare-devilish and lusting after some adventure. But where to? After a crazy intense Google sesh, we decided to head out to an abandoned military medical facility for a little exploring and the general debauchery that this sort of thing enatils. We called up our equally as adventurous BFF Jasmine to join us. By definition an “abandoned military medical facility” is CREEPY as fugg; so power in numbers, ladies! After we finagled our way into the facility, (we’re crafty young women!) it was GO TIME. Before we even entered the building we were greeted with some less than welcoming graffiti art that read, “Here is where you meet your doom…” Now we’re smart ladies…but we ignored the warning and proceeded anyway. It was a WAR ZONE inside, but you could see the sort of exoskeleton of what was once here. There were desks and chairs and medical files everywhere. As we got over our initial heebie-jeebies, we proceeded down the long hallway lined with doors and rooms on each side leading to offices with EERIE ass old effed up medical supplies like old dental chairs and skin pokers and chemical spills and shit…EEK! We explored and rummaged and squealed in terror at every creek of a door and sound of breaking glass. This place was HUGE. After we caught our bearings, it was actually quite peaceful. What was once a bustling and busy medical office is now in utter ruins; quiet and completely still. I felt like we were some of the last remaining humans on earth. Rummaging through the remains looking for clues asking ourselves what happened? What went so terribly wrong? And why? As the sun set we knew we had to high tail it outta there before the zombies awoke from their slumber and ate us alive. JK…too much Walking Dead ;) Stay tuned for PART 2…the journey UPSTAIRS! Dun, dun duuuuuuunnnnnnnnn…!

Vintage coat (Available HERE). Thrifted sweater. Thrifted mini skirt. Via Spiga Boots. F21 necklace.

Until next time,


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